Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mo'o, the Shape Shifter-Hawaii's Most Mystical Creature

According to legend, the ancient Mo'o or dragons of Hawaii were shape shifters who appeared as beautiful women or 12 to 30 feet long dragons. Fierce guardians of freshwater sources, they dwelled in caves, pools or fish ponds. The Mo'o guards people as well as the land.

 Moloka'i, Kamalo Ridge

Eternally present in fishponds and pools throughout Hawaii, Mo'os were believed to bless the people with an abundant harvest if they were properly honored. But, if not treated with respect, they could turn from a protective deity to a shape shifting threat.

To the people of Hawaii the little gecko lizards were mirror images of the great magical Mo'o. The Mokoli'is (little geckos) played a crucial role in Hawaiian religion. Deeply respected, they were the link to an intricate communication system with the Akuas (gods). The little geckos became Aumakuas, who offered their wisdom through visions and dreams.
In Hawaii the Mo'o is one of the oldest, most powerful and omniscient of Aumakuas (guardian spirits) along with the shark, the owl, and the hawk.
Stories about the Mo'o are told in the Kumulipo (Hawaiian creation story):

Moholani (Divine Mo'o) was the youngest and most beautiful of four sisters. She also was the only one who had a husband and a son. Moholani wore the birthmark of the Mo'o on her right shoulder, which enabled her to shape shift into the Divine Mo'o. her sisters were very jealous and conspired with wicked sirens of the sea to lure the husband away to the bottom of the ocean. With the help of guardian spirits Moholani's sun rescues the husband and transforms the evil sisters into barren trees which will forever grow on the beach.

Living in Hawaii I am surrounded by geckos. The sound of their sweet chirps is always a good omen to me. It means, I am protected and good luck in all areas of life is manifesting. I always honor the Mo'oli'is (little geckos) and treat them with respect.
Some of these sweet little guys almost act like pets. They come around often and get closer and closer, looking at me as if to say: "Come on, let's play together!" I can see the wisdom in their eyes.

Listen to the chirps of the magical Mokoli'is of Hawaii! They offer protection and good luck.

Kimo, the Surfer Boy, was created in honor of the divine Mo'o.

 Kimo, the Surfer
Birth Date: Malaki 2, 2016 (03-02-16)

Kimo inspires us to surrender to the waves of life with focus and balance, allowing them to safely carry us to our highest goals.

Kimo's best friend and greatest teacher is the ocean. Kimo is a Menehune He’e Nalu (surfer) boy. He is named after the strong winds of the Pacific Ocean.
When the surf is up, Kimo can’t wait to get into the ocean. His heart dances with Hopupu (excitement) as he eagerly anticipates the challenges of the great waves.
Kimo loves the Pacific Ocean and the surf has been his greatest teacher, evoking deep respect and humbleness within him. He knows that every wave along with the wind presents a challenge of going with its flow. Kimo watches the waves, feels them inside, and connects to their Mana (spiritual energy).
Like the wind, he flies along the sea on his Olo (surfboard), riding the waves with focus and balance, Kimo finds the perfect attitude between tension and flexibility and rides the great wave home. It is the very best feeling in the world. 

Surfing is magical; it has become his way of life!

Kimo and his twin sister Lilo, Goddess of the Surf, often come to the beach together. Holding hands, they run into the water surrendering to the great power of the waves.

Kimo's Aumakua (guardian spirit) is Moholani, the divine Mo'o (gecko). It is a great honor in Hawaii to have the ancient Moholani as your Aumakua. Moholani evokes good luck, strength, and protection. Kimo always feels safe when he surfs because he knows that his Aumakua is watching over him. In honor of his Aumakua, Kimo wears a necklace with a gold gecko pendant around his neck. Like all the other, cool Menehune surfer boys Iniki also has a small, gold earring in his right ear.

Kimo and his Kuku(grandfather) made the Olo (surfboard) together. First they chose the right Hawaiian Wiliwili tree for the board. Before cutting the tree, they faced towards the sea and said a prayer of thanks for the wood they would use. They honored the spirit of the tree by burying a fish beneath it. Last Kimo and Kuku carved a design of the divine Mo'o on the Olo.The wooden Olo is Kimo’s most treasured possession. He always carries it with him, even when he goes to sleep. 
Kimo’s Tutu (grandmother) sewed his green Lava lava (wraparound) and orange belt. She crocheted orange shoes and gave Kimo a matching head band to keep his hair out of his eyes while he surfs. Last Tutu draped the Mo'o pendant around his neck and put a gold earring in his right ear.
All these things were Tutu’s and Kuku's sacred gifts of Aloha (Love) to their beloved Mo'opuna Kane (grandson).

Kimo is about 4” tall fitting in the palm of your hand. His body is made out of stretch cotton and wired for flexibility. The eyes and mouth are intricately embroidered onto his face. Kimo has tiny little hands and feet, ears, buttocks, and a belly button.
All accessories were individually handcrafted.

Kimo is a one of a kind collectible display doll handcrafted by Hawaiian Dolls.
He comes with his story and a certificate of authenticity.

Kimo reflects the spiritual powers of the Hawaiian Waters and the divine Mo'o.
