Monday, April 29, 2024

Poi, Sacred, Life-Giving Food of Hawaii


Taro was used to make Poi from the corm of the Taro plant, which was a sacred, life-giving, ancestral food for native Hawaiians. 80 different species of Kalo or Taro are known in Hawaii. All parts of the Taro plant were used; as food or for religious and medicinal purposes. The potato shaped Taro bulb was cooked and pounded to a paste with the Ku'i 'ai pohaku.

The Ku'i 'ai Pohaku, or poi pounder, is the most valuable Hawaiian stone tool. It is carved out of a gray lava. For many hours ancient Hawaiians shaped it patiently with a hammer stone and polished it with another stone until the shape of a cylindrical neck topped by a knob and with a flared bottom was completed.

Traditionally, the making of Poi was a ceremony of life that brought the Ohana (family) together. Ohana literally means 'all from the shoots'. The Kalo or Taro corm grows the Keikis (children) of the plant. Planting the Taro, making and eating Poi, all symbolize a deep family bond. Everybody in the Ohana worked in the Taro patch in the spirit of Hoolaulima (working together).

The Hawaiian saying 'take time to eat Poi' means 'slow down and enjoy life and health'.

Due to the many health benefits of Poi, ancient Hawaiians were one of the healthiest races on earth. Up to this day Poi is used for the prevention and cure of many health conditions.

Poi is a sacred food of great cultural significance.

The sacred Pohaku and life-giving Poi inspired the creation of Menehune Boy
Kalo, the Poi Maker.
Kalo (Taro), the Poi Maker 

Birth Date: ‘Apelila 24, 2024 (04-24-24)

Kalo inspires us to enjoy life to the fullest.

In the spirit of Hoolaulima (working together), Kalo was working with his Ohana (family) in the Taro patch all day long. Everybody was laughing, singing, telling stories and enjoying each other's company. Now the Taro bulb is ready to be cooked and then pounded into sacred, life-giving Poi.

Poi is Kalo's favorite food. It is a lot of work to pound the cooked Taro into a paste with his Ku'i 'ai pohaku (Poi pounder). But it is worth every minute of it because Poi just tastes so good. Kalo is named after the Taro plant which produces this delicious dish.

Kalo’s life-giving Taro is a blessing.

Kalo and his Kuku (grandfather) carved the Ku'i 'ai pohaku out of stone. For many hours they shaped it patiently with a hammer stone and polished it with another stone until the shape of a cylindrical neck topped by a knob and with a flared bottom was completed. Afterwards they carved a wooden bowl to mash the Taro in.

Kalo's’s Tutu (grandmother) sewed his white Malu (wraparound) and matching hat. She drew and Taro leaves on the Malu and hat. Tutu also crocheted yellow underwear and little shoes.

All these things were Kuku's and Tutu’s sacred gifts of Aloha (Love) to their beloved Mo’opuna Kane (grandson).

Kalo is about 4” tall fitting in the palm of your hand. The body is made out of doll skin and wired for flexibility. The eyes and mouth are intricately embroidered onto the face. Kalo has little hands, feet, ears, buttocks, and a belly button. All accessories were individually handcrafted.

Kalo is not dress a up dolls. All clothing and accessories are sewn and/or glued onto him.

Doll care: Gently brush the dolls and their clothing with a soft dry toothbrush to remove dust. Always brush the faces and bodies upwards towards the hair.

Kalo is a one of a kind Hawaiian Art Doll. Every bit of him has been lovingly handcrafted to create a new friend who will last a lifetime.

Kalo is a display doll and collector’s item bringing you the spiritual power of Hawaii. He comes with his story and a certificate of authenticity.

Kalo reflects the life-giving Mana of the Taro.

He is ready to be your new friend and pound his way into your heart.





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