E ala mai, E naue mai, E noke mai e
Clear the path to move on
Awake, Move, Persevere
(Kumu Keala Ching)
Kahiko, the most ancient form of hula, is more than just a dance. It is an ancient artful way of life that expresses Hawaii’s rich history and spirituality.
In ancient times Hula Kahiko was danced exclusively by men. Adorned with Maile leis, the dancers honor Hawaii’s Hula Goddess Laka. Expressing a deep reverence for their spiritual roots, they performed the vigorous dance with strength and agility, intention and determination.
In the Aloha (compassion) spirit, the Lōkahi (unity) spirit, and the Pono (righteousness) spirit, the Kahiko Hula honors the gods, passes along ancient Hawaiian history and tells stories about aumakuas (ancestral guardians), the sacredness of life and respect for all things.
The enchanting ancient Hawaiian Hula inspired the creation of Magical Hawaiian Menehune Kahiko.
Kahiko (Hula)
Birth Date: Malaki 8, 2014 (03/08/14)
Ma’ema’e ke ‘ala e holo ala
E ala mai, E naue mai, E noke mai e
Clear the path to move on
Awake, Move, Persevere
The divine beat of the Ipu (gourd) echoes across the ‘Aina (land) as Kahiko gracefully performs the ancient Hula. With strength and agility he moves in harmony to Kumu Hula (teacher) Oli’s sacred chants.
In the Aloha (compassion) spirit, the Lōkahi (unity) spirit, and the Pono (righteousness) spirit, Kahiko honors the gods, tells stories about Aumakuas (ancestral guardians), the sacredness of life and respect for all things with his dance. The Menehune Ohana (family) loves to watch. Kahiko’s Hula and Kumu Hula Oli’s chants are wonderful!
Kahiko’s dance inspires us to awake, move forward and persevere, to live in faith with intention, determination and courage.
Tutu also wove Kahiko’s traditional grass skirt and crocheted his red pants. The red, green and yellow colors Kahiko wears honor the Mana (spiritual energy) of the land.
Kahiko moves in harmony to the sacred chants of his Kumu Hula (teacher) Oli. Humbly and respectfully, Oli and Kahiko Aloha Honua (honor the earth) together.
Kahiko is a one of a kind display doll handcrafted by Hawaiian Dolls. He comes with his story and a certificate of authenticity.
Kahiko’s dance honors the sacredness of life.
Nana I Ke Kumu
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